Refer to Us

Are you a health professional?

If you are a health, social prescribing or VCSE professional wanting to refer adults you are working with onto Artlift’s Gloucestershire courses, please click on the relevant button below. The referral criteria are included on each survey.

Alternatively, call us on 01452 222726

Who can make a referral?

Any professional involved with the health and wellbeing of adults in Gloucestershire can refer to Artlift. This includes (but not exclusively): GPs, nurses, social prescribers, primary care or community link workers / wellbeing agents, psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and staff of cancer charities.

Your referral checklist

  • Commitment:
    Please check that the timing is right for the person you are referring. This way, we can prioritise the right person at the right time as places are limited. We do try to be flexible as we understand that people’s health and circumstances can change for reasons beyond their control.
  • Completing the form:
    Please ensure you have ticked any relevant boxes at the top of the referral form to indicate preferences. Please fill in all sections. If a referral is not appropriate it will be returned to the referrer explaining why.

Create Well

Supporting mental health

Living Well

Adults living with long-term chronic pain

Men’s Wellbeing

Current course ‘Yes Big Man’

What happens after you receive my referral(s)?

Once we receive your referral form, we will contact the individual being referred for access information, preferences, and consent before they are offered a place, or added to our waiting list.

Once a place is confirmed, each participant will get:

  • a call from their nominated Artist Facilitator for a ‘Creative Check-in’ to ensure they’re ready for the course
  • if needed, support from our Programme Assistant or a Volunteer to help get online or quell any anxieties around starting something new
  • the Artlift Welcome Pack with further information

What will participants experience?

We offer online and face-to-face course options. Most participants will be placed in a group course. However, on the Create Well (mental health) programme and where there are more complex needs or access requirements, participants can work remotely with our Creative Navigator on a tailored Arts on Prescription programme designed to help bring down barriers to participation.

 Each group benefits from:

  • 6-8 sessions that gently introduce individuals to creativity and to other participants with some shared experience
  • Up to 3 Creative Check-ins (conversations) in which our Artist Facilitators draw on health coaching approaches to help each participant set achievable goals for themselves and create a ‘Move On’ plan, which may include joining with others to sustain a participant-led group
  • In session, online and/or posted resources, like filmed tutorials, worksheets or exercises
  • Access to our online Move On Hub so participants can stay in touch, and share work, with other ex-participants

The courses are free to participants and materials are provided.

We run 3-4 terms per year and each course has c. 6 – 12 participants. Sometimes, there may be a wait until the following term.

Need to talk to someone about your referral?

Please contact Programme Assistant Keeley Newman-Goodall on 01452 222726 

You can also contact Cath Wilkins, Executive Director –