Artlift – Creating better lives
Artlift offers creative space for adults living with mental and/or physical health challenges. We run courses and creative projects for anyone registered with a doctor in Gloucestershire. Our Creative Health specialist artists offer a personalised approach in a relaxed atmosphere through which participants can move forward.
Artlift also provides residencies, consultancy and Workplace Wellbeing packages to support diversity in Creative Health and the wellbeing of staff in the health, corporate and statutory sectors.
I had no experience of art before this, but now I love it and it has been a cathartic process in dealing with my past and a distraction from my current health problems.
About Artlift
What We Do
Artlift provides art courses for adults experiencing mental health challenges and / or long term physical conditions.
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Artlift Programmes
Artlift runs Arts on Prescription programmes for people living with mental health, chronic pain and associated challenges.
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Why Art Matters
Since 2007, we have collected a huge database of evidence showing the positive impact of the arts in health interventions. Find out more about Why Art Matters.
Flourish Magazine
Flourish Magazine aims to explore the benefits of an integrative and creative approach to living with cancer
Are you a potential participant?
If you are an individual living in Gloucestershire and would like to put yourself forward for our Create Well, Living Well or Men's Wellbeing programmes, please...
Are you a health professional?
If you are a health, VCSE or social prescribing professional, or are working with a patient / service user who could benefit from Arts on Prescription please...