Looking For Extra Support?
Gloucestershire’s Community Support Hub
Gloucestershire’s councils and partners have created a suppot hub to connect local people who need help with others who can provide the support they need.
The Support Hub includes links to helpful information and advice and will provide you with the tools you need to save money, look after your mental health and wellbeing and conserve energy.
Mental Health Support:
Let’s Talk (IAPT) – offer talking therapies to people aged 18+ experiencing mild to moderate anxiety and/or depression and registered with a GP in Gloucestershire or Herefordshire.
You should not refer yourself to Let’s Talk if you are already receiving help or treatment from a specialist mental health team. You should instead contact your key worker from that team.
Let’s Talk is not able to offer help in a crisis situation. If you have experienced deterioration in your symptoms, or are struggling to cope, please make an appointment to see your GP.
Telephone 0300 421 8100
SANELINE –helpline for adults affected by mental health problems.
0300 304 7000
6.00pm–11.00pm every evening
Their website also contains lots of useful information:
Gloucestershire Recovery in Psychosis Team (GRIP)
For 14–35 year olds and their families who feel strange things are happening or that reality is slipping through their fingers. Help is offered to people experiencing psychosis for the first time.
Telephone: 01452 894178 for initial advice; however, in order to see someone you will need to be referred by your GP, other health professional or college counsellor.
Gloucestershire Self Harm Helpline Service – Free support for adults who self-harm, their families and friends.
Promotes coping strategies and self-management and can put you in touch with other organisations. Confidential except in exceptional circumstances.
Telephone: 0808 801 0606
Mon and Fri 5 – 10pm
Sat and Sun 5 – 10pm
Text support: 075 37410022
Email: advice@rethink.org
Visit this website for support and helplines:
Download the Stay Alive App – quick and easy access to useful information to help you stay safe:
Independence Trust – Support for adults, families, and communities with concerns about mental health whose needs cannot be met by mainstream services or other specialist services alone. For residents registered with a Glos GP or funded by Gloucestershire NHS/County Council.
Telephone: 0345 863 8323
Community Autism Support and Advice (CASA) – call 0333 231 3233 and ask for a member of the Autism Team https://www.independencetrust.co.uk/CASA
Men’s Mental Health Support:
Glos. Mental Health Crisis Teams
Call 0800 169 0398 open 24/7
Social, Counselling and Other Support:
Listening Post Counselling – low cost counselling for adults.
Gloucester 01452 383820 / Chelt 01242 256060
SAMARITANS – 24 hour listening service for those feeling suicidal or in emotional distress.
National Telephone no: 116 123
Gloucester: 01452 306333 / Chelt: 01242 515777
Gloucestershire Counselling Service – for families and young people experiencing difficulties e.g. separation, divorce, step family issues, bullying, bereavement.
01453 766310
Gloucestershire County Council Safeguarding –
Adult Help Desk / Advice Helpline): 1452 426868
Domestic violence support GDAS
Helpdesk: 01452 726 570
or email: support@gdass.org.uk
Open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday
24-hour National Domestic Violence Helpline:
0808 2000 247
Gloucestershire Deaf Association provide practical and emotional support to children, young people and adults living in Gloucestershire who are deaf, hard of hearing or deafened.
Age UK Gloucestershire elderly residents who are self-isolating can seek support including guidance for older people recently discharged from hospital plus a phone line for befriending.
Support for Carers:
Gloucestershire Carers Hub – information, advice and guidance (currently by phone, through their website, email and social media).
Phone: 0300 111 9000 (9am-5pm Mon, Wed & Fri / 8am-8pm Tues & Thurs) / Email: carers@peopleplus.co.uk /
Social media: Facebook- Gloucestershirecarershub / Twitter- @GcarersHub / Instagram- Gloucestershire_Carers_Hub
For information on the local Carers’ Emergency Scheme: https://gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk/carers-emergency-scheme/
Carers UK – online forums
Also support The Jointly App available free to carers registered with Glos Carers Hub, which supports you with your caring role.
Or call 01452 733060